Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Today is the First Day of the rest of your Life!


                                      This is a little lady I made with polymer. I later put a love letter in her hands.

I have been very inactive for quite some time and have questioned if there is something wrong with me. I watch the profusion of artist being so productive, "doing drops"and selling out they're pieces in record time. The internet has made it a golden and fruitful time for artists. For those who don't know what a drop is, it's when an artist or craftsperson (is there a difference?) makes a lot of art pieces and shows everyone her/his progress with pictures on social media like instagram. Everyone gets to ooooo and ahhhhh at each step they display, and decide if they might like to have this or that particular piece, sometimes downright staking a claim on it or better yet exclaiming that they "must have it!". The artist informs everyone that the art will all be released on a certain day at a certain time and in which time zone. Whoa to those who get that wrong! Going to the online store of a favorite artist and finding that the event is all over with and the cubbard is bare can be a devastating if not a heart breaking experience. Collectors and fans of the artist nervously wait for the very second they can get in there and buy their particular favorite item and things go fast. 


   Every time I start to write on this blog I seem to feel it's a new day for me, at least I hope so. So here I am yet again, so we shall see. I am into so many projects I can't quite make up my mind. I finish very little or I become impatient with my progress so I then get careless and messy. I started seeing a therapist because I feel I have some kind of weird block, but I needed to see a therapist anyway because of the last few years with covid, cleaning out my home so it could be sold, and the illness and death of my boyfriend.

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About Me

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I have studied painting and sculpture and still enjoy doing both though sculpting seems to have the dominant spot in my life right now. I have won Doll magazine's "Award of excellence" two years in a row 2013-2014, in the artist ball jointed doll category. I have also won "best of show" this past year at the Orlando Museum of Art.