Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Good Day!

Well I got all the greenware in the kiln this morning, whew! I am exhausted! Did 24-7 work and managed to go from proto to porcelain in one month!
Then I went to a little art festival in town today. They had the usual paintings, pottery, hand made soap, nothing spectacular. Then I came upon a woman who was selling her paper clay figures that were just soooo fantastic! And she was selling so cheap! I told her she MUST get on ebay and get what she really deserves which is a lot more money! She said she would try it. She is also giving lessons and I am definitely going to take them, excellent!

Friday, April 29, 2011

K-Day tomorrow!!!

Kiln day, tomorrow the pieces go in for the porcelain firing! I spent the day cleaning the pieces up and checking the fit, trimming where needed ect.... David managed to pull me away for lunch at a place near the ocean. It really was wonderful to get away from my working frenzy and relax. We ate outside where it was sunny and breezy and a lovely temperature. I took scraps down to the beach afterwards to feed the seagulls and other assorted birds. I threw them up in the air one by one (frenchfries) but there are no gulls today, very odd. They can usually seeing a flying french fry a mile away but not today!
Anyway I'm tired!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

All is going as planned!

Well I've been letting my molds dry while enjoying the Easter holiday. I did work however in testing the molds that seemed dry enough. The first casting is always full of soap and no good but it's good to get that first casting done with! Oh I do have some difficult molds that are hard to cast and I may have to rethink their configuration. We shall see!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Well I've just about finished making the molds of my new Mermaid doll. I have high hopes with this one but you can never be sure until it's in porcelain. What a lot of work mold making is and I'm happy to be over with it for a while! I am grateful to my boyfriend who took care of a lot of things the last few weeks so I could continue work at a steady pace.

Monday, April 18, 2011

O.K. Ready set GO...........

Well I have been working and working on my new prototype and I am quite happy with the results! I should be making molds soon but I need to fix a few things and then put her scales on. That is always a little bit of a challenge.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Took it off!

I took my mermaid off of ebay. I'm just not satisfied with her yet! I had 3 watchers so that was nice but I took her off anyway. It had not felt right. So now I'm going to do a whole new prototype (yikes) with a very different tail. I have to! It's going to be great!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Decided to take a chance! What the heck!

Well you know what? I decided there are going to always be things I'll want to change about my work which is natural. I've decided to list my little mermaid on ebay and take a chance and see how she is received. I started her out at a reasonable bid price and we will just see what happens.
I'm rather excited!

The boohoo day

I have to say I'm a little despondent today. I realize all the work ahead that I must do to do things really correctly and I tried to explain it to my boyfriend with a diagram since he never quite understands the whole process of mold making and the master mold making and the TIME it takes to do all this. Everyone is so anxious for me (kids included) to finally have something really up to my standards so I can get beyond this stage. It just takes time.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Well I can't sleep! Got this darn dead beat Dad situation going on and money is getting tight. I had great hopes of getting a doll on ebay this week but the doll still needs more work. I don't really mind working more on her, in fact I enjoy it, but I hate to feel this pressure on myself to hurry up and get a product done to sell! Pressure can at times help me get things done but not in this type of situation because I need to take my time in figuring out the next steps and do them right. I don't like to rush. Oh well, life rarely follows my script anyway ha ha! I think I will spend today cleaning up my art room and clear my thinking, then on Sunday start doing some adjustments to the doll and order springs purhaps.

Finished! For now......

After working all week I finally got my mermaid done, whew! I'm quite happy with her but of course also notice the stuff I have to change about her. Some day I will finish a doll and not have an immediate urge to change things! But that day has not come yet. Not that I won't always want to improve but I'd at least like to get to the point that I find the doll acceptable to possibly sell. I don't think that's too far off though.


About Me

My photo
I have studied painting and sculpture and still enjoy doing both though sculpting seems to have the dominant spot in my life right now. I have won Doll magazine's "Award of excellence" two years in a row 2013-2014, in the artist ball jointed doll category. I have also won "best of show" this past year at the Orlando Museum of Art.